Website copywriting
- Brand language
- Copy for web
- Tone of Voice

Writing for the web
I’ve been a copywriter for many years and after 90+ websites, I figure also I’ve earned the right to call myself a website copywriter.
The secret to writing persuasive web copy (as with all copy), is putting yourself in your audience’s shoes. Once you know what tickles their fancy, then the rest is common sense:
– Use short sentences & paragraphs, bullet points & pull-out text
– When possible, put key content up front
– Use the right keywords and phrases, but don’t sacrifice readability
– Stay on brand with your tone of voice
– Use internal links to other content that will be of interest
– Don’t forget title tags, page descriptions and image alt tags
– Be original, Google won’t reward you for scraping or repeating chunks of copy
– Read it, edit it, read it again.
– Don’t use AI, it’s rubbish and it’s evil

Here’s a seriously truncated list of some of the website clients I’ve written for, but the great WWW never stays still, so if some of it’s a bit all over the place, it wasn’t me guv.
Recent website copy clients include:
Deadeye (Design Agency)
District Living (Residential Living Space)
Dollop (Creative Agency)
The Future Works (Commercial Property)
Kauffmans (Property Consultancy)
New Talent Festival (International Music Festival)
Rabbit & Hare (Digital Design Agency)
Renewable Capital (Renewable Energy Funding Consultancy)
St George’s (Childcare)
Surveylab (Online Survey Company)
UNL Studios (Landscaping)
Weald Learning (Business Training)