Jonathan Wilcock Freelance Brand Voice Copywriter

Potted history: 1. Teeth cut in adland 2. Freelanced about town 3. Creative Director 4. Ran a creative agency 5. Back freelancing since 2017 (& lovin’ it).

Portrait of Jonathan Wilcock – Freelance Brand Voice Copywriter

Who am I?

Midlander marooned in the South East.
Amorphous mass of memories, hopes and desires.
The progeny of two humanoids.
Erstwhile Creative Director, drummer & paper boy.
Happy-go-lucky daydreamer.
Piscean. Vegetarian. Egalitarian.
Daft as a brush.
Serious as sandpaper.
Annoyingly optimistic.
Ex-agency owner.
Rubbish at confrontation.
Half decent at Scrabble.
Oh, and a very experienced freelance Copywriter.

What do my clients say?

Not sure what they say behind my back, but these are the sort of things they say to my face and inbox:

…to quote a recent email I sent him: "Jonathan you're a life saver".

Isabel Shearer

Business Development Executive, Contagious®

You went above and beyond… copywriting magic done pronto.

Dawn Varley

Head of Fundraising Campaigns (Interim), Comic Relief

We had smiles from ear to ear – you’ve completely nailed it!

Emily Wan

Marketing Manager, Contagious®

How do I work?

You may need workshops and questionnaires and in-depth brand voice guidelines. Then again, maybe not. I’ll do whatever it takes to get the job done properly. Everything that’s necessary, nothing that isn’t.

You don’t want a 50-page document that could have been done in five. And you definitely don’t want someone who hides behind a wad of pseudo-science. Good job, ‘cos that’s just not me. To be honest, I’d struggle to keep a straight face.

I use simple processes and ask simple questions, to get simple answers. Because the best answers usually are the simple ones.

I concentrate on solid, tangible results. Brand voice rules and guidelines that translate to the real world. Bold ideas and beautifully crafted words that will help you create a real differentiation for your brand.

Getting it right isn’t always easy, so I ask for time to think, as well as do. I charge a fair price and in return, expect to be paid on time.

I’m here to make your life easier, not to be a royal pain in the backside. And damn, I’ll do my best to honour that promise. But I can’t do it alone.

If you go AWOL when I need answers, your project will be delayed. Not much I can do about that.

I’m also here to give you honest, objective opinions and advice. So if you insist on painting your brand in a colour that makes me wince, I’ll tell you. And I’ll tell you why. But ultimately, it’s your paintbrush, I’m not going to wrestle you to the ground and take it off you.

Last thing.

If you want more process, more jargon and more guff, I’m not the copywriter for you.

If you want someone who knows what he’s doing and knows how to make your brand voice sing, hey – let’s talk.