Brand experience
[one-half first=”yes”]Consumer-facing brands –[/one-half]
[one-half first=”yes”]Manufacturing, engineering and automotive –[/one-half]
[one-half first=”yes”]Financial and professional services –[/one-half]
[one-half first=”yes”]Healthcare, beauty and pharma –[/one-half]
[one-half first=”yes”]Government, corporate and training –[/one-half]
[one-half first=”yes”]Charities and non-profit organisations –[/one-half]
[one-half first=”yes”]IT, software development and media –[/one-half]
[one-half first=”yes”]Travel, entertainment and leisure –[/one-half]
[one-half first=”yes”]Trade brands and B2B organisations –[/one-half]
If there’s a freelance copywriting project you’d like to discuss, but don’t see any relevant experience here, please get in touch anyway. A fresh pair of eyes may be just what you need to bring your creative project to life.
You can read testimonials from some of my clients here.